Thursday, October 05, 2006

How to begin

How to begin? Squirrels. Media and squirrels.

A man once phoned the BBC's nature unit claiming to have discovered a new species of squirrel in his local park. He claimed to have been feeding these "thin-tailed squirrels", as he called them, for weeks.

The BBC sent a film crew who the man took to the park, where they saw that these squirrels were not in fact 'new', but... rats.


Which got me thinking. What, in fact, is the fundamental difference between a squirrel and a rat? Or a chipmunk for that matter? Cuteness? The black-eyed, razor-clawed uber-squirrels who prowl our parklands could hardly be described as cute. Essentially, squirrels are just rats with better PR.

And don't even get me started on Doves vs Pigeons.

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