Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Return to Victorian Values

Everything is cyclical, don't you think? If there's one certainty other than death and taxes it's that crap long-dead trends will at some point inevitably be dredged up by a eager doe-eyed audience too young to remember how rubbish they were in the first place.

Examples. Flares. The Clangers. George Bush. Furry boots. Asymmetric haircuts. Socialist Worker's Party. Dungeons & Dragons.

But why not take the longer term view? Why not eschew the last few centuries of progress altogether and return to the days when Britannia ruled the waves; the era of Upstanding, Courageous and Morally Sound Gentlemen with Prodigous Facial Hair?

You could start by visiting The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Since 2003, this blog has been putting up a diary entry from Pepys' famous journals every day. How postmodern is that?


Anonymous said...

That link is hilarious and I love the annotations- God bless the Blogosphere. It's much more interesting to read about what time someone in the 17th century got out of bed and what they had for breakfast...(ahem)...

Jerome said...

Wow! Not only does someone I don't know read my blog, they dig the digital Pepys as well! What are you doing tonight?